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Camouflage for Wildlife Watching

Nature explorers want to blend into the scenery so they don't startle the wildlife and can observe it close up.

We've found that breeding seagulls don't attack when we wear the hood up. They don't see us as a threat when we sit silently in the bushes or lay submerged in the water.

A poncho or hiking cape is airy, lightweight, and easy to swim in. It hides your shape so you look like something that just floats by, not like a predator. The trapped air in your poncho creates a random shape.

hiking capes in the rain
Monochrome Anorak

Monochrome Colours

Most animals can't see in colour, but can quickly recognise shapes, patterns and movement with much higher precision than us.

Large monochrome shapes like this anorak stick out, even without colour. The pattered pants however become almost invisible.

hiking capes in the rain
Monochrome Anorak

Camoflage Patterns

wet hiking poncho Camouflage patterns break up your shape. On the colour photo, the poncho stands out a bit from the background.
wet hiking poncho On the black and white image the poncho blends into the background, only the face shows up, so the poncho almost vanishes.
wet hiking poncho
wet hiking poncho

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